The Workshops
Painting as a process orientated practice,
with a focus on experimentation and expressive imagery is fun, exciting, revolutionary
and life changing.
Through experimental expressionism,
I found my authentic voice.
I want my work to inspire others to find their voice, and when they do ...scream!
Mark making with guided imagery induces a light trance state. This invites the art maker to relax the critical mind allowing
'creative imagination' freedom, this approach is a powerful artistic healing force.
My own experiences using transformational process painting helped me heal from two different cancers, depression, and loss inspiring me to co-founded
"Wild Women Transformational
Process Painting Workshops"
in Santa Cruz, CA. with Majio the creator and director of Anavami Center.
I now offer these powerful painting workshops throughout the country.
If you are interested in putting on or joining an intuitive process painting workshop,
please get in touch!
text (831) 252-4325